Archive for the Inspiration Category

I Love This Glaze!
If you know me, I love the color orange. So much so, that as a child, I even turned orange and earned the nickname “pumkinpuss” for a short time. Well, nothing much has changed. Except, I don’t get called pumkinpuss…
In setting up my own studio, I’ve been thinking about what my first glazes are going to be. Should I just get one, and learn the kiln first? Should I make a whole bunch of really basic forms just to learn how to throw better?
Well, regardless, I’ve decided that I’m going to use glazes that I like, and do batches–to explore thin applications, thicker applications, and how the kiln reacts with my work.
I came across Amaco’s Potter’s Choice Glazes. And I have to say, that I’m in love–with all of them. Its absolutely going to be the hardest thing to figure out which ones I want to use first!
So, naturally, I gravitate towards one specific one–you guessed it–the orangey one. Called Albany Slip Brown, its a creamsicle-style glazes, that breaks cream-colored over edges, and is an absolute dream. Do I want a whole set of dinner ware? No. Do I want to make awesome stuff and slather it on there? Yes, yes please.