
Sit like a Professional.
Is a professional potters chair, the other one is not.
I’ve sat on those buckets for almost two and a half years now. O haven’t minded one bit. They get the job done just fine.
I first saw this on, where I love to read about Mea Rhee–a potter who has been an incredible inspiration to me. Her students got her this, apparently its the Lexus of potter’s stools.
I recently did an order and decided that instead of investing in new materials, I wanted to invest into equipment. The slab roller, the extruder, and some other high-end goodies are going to have to wait. I’ve been saving for a kiln, but this guy was a good next purchase for sure. It takes pressure off your hips and displaces it accordingly. Plus, there’s levers to adjust it up-down, and tilt. Everyone loves levers.
I finally decided to go pro and get this. Why? Because I decided I’m a professional potter. Do I feel like one? Not always. But do I train and do all the things a professional potter does? Yessir.
Somewhere along the way, I began to train like a potter. Work like a potter. Make products like a potter. Start a business like a potter. Learn like a potter.
So, I’m going to say I’m a professional potter–or, at least sit in a professional potters chair until I become one.